派 Dividend 問題!!!!

2010-09-02 6:59 am
我想問一下, 如果一間 BVI 公司, Share Premium 和 Available-for-sale Revaluation Reserve 可唔可以用來派 Dividend????

如果係 BVI 公司,又沒有在港登記成為 non-Hong Kong companies, 但又要出一份Audit report (找HK CPA 出), 我想問下BVI 的公司法可唔可以用Share Premium 和 Available-for-sale Revaluation Reserve 來派 Dividend???? 我睇過BVI Companies Act, 但唔多明, 什麼叫solvency test ???


以下是節錄了BVI Companies Act的一部份!!! Division 4 – Distributions 56. For the purposes of this Division, (a)a company satisfies the solvency test if (i)the value of the company’s assets exceeds its liabilities, and (ii)the company is able to pay its debts as they fall due; and


(b) “distribution”, in relation to a distribution by a company to a member, means (i)the direct or indirect transfer of an asset, other than the company’s own shares, to or for the benefit of the member, Or (ii)the incurring of a debt to or for the benefit of a member,


in relation to shares held by a shareholder, or the entitlements to distributions of a member who is not a shareholder, and whether by means of the purchase of an asset, the purchase, redemption or other acquisition of shares, a transfer of indebtedness or otherwise, and includes a dividend.

回答 (2)

2010-09-02 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如果你係 BVI 公司,又沒有在港登記成為 non-Hong Kong companies (非香港公司) ,不受香港公司法例規限,不需要做帳。同時,你只需要跟返 BVI 的公司法便可以。


有關 Share Premium,香港公司法例是規定不可以當作股息派給現有股東的。

詳見公司條例第 48B 條:

(1) 凡公司不論以現金溢價或其他溢價發行股份,均須將一筆與該等股份的溢價總額或總值相等的款額撥入一項名為“股份溢價帳”的帳項,而本條例中有關公司減少股本的條文,除本條另有規定外,均屬適用,猶如該股份溢價帳是公司的繳足款股本一樣。

(2) 凡股份是以非現金作代價而發行,公司董事在顧及一切有關資料後,估計該代價的價值超過就如此發行股份而入帳列為繳足股款的款額時,則該等股份須當作為以溢價發行,而該溢價相等於上述估值與如此發行股份而入帳列為繳足股款的款額兩者的差額。

(3) 即使第(1)款有任何規定,公司可將股份溢價帳運用於─

(a) 繳足公司未發行股份的股款,而該等股份乃即將以全部繳付股款的紅股的形式發行予公司成員者;或 (由1999年第30號第4條修訂)

(b) 沖銷─(i) 公司的開辦費用;或(ii) 公司發行股份的開支、就發行股份而支付的佣金或容許的折扣。


另外,根據 Hong Kong Accounting Standard No. 39 (http://app1.hkicpa.org.hk/ebook/index.php):

Para 55 (b) A gain or loss on an available-for-sale financial asset shall be recognised in other comprehensive income, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses, until the financial asset is derecognised. At that time, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive income shall be reclassified from equity to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment. However, interest calculated using the effective interest method is recognised in profit or loss . Dividends on an available-for-sale equity instrument are recognised in profit or loss when the entity‘s right to receive payment is established.

因此,Available-for-sale Financial Assets Revaluation Reserve 都不可以用來派股息,而要等該 Financial Assets 有跌值或減值時,沖銷入損益帳 (profit and loss) 之中。


2010-09-03 00:05:33 補充:
其實段文已經解釋左 solvency test 係乜:
(a) a company satisfies the solvency test if (i) the value of the company’s assets exceeds its liabilities (公司總資產的價值多於其負債), and (ii) the company is able to pay its debts as they fall due (公司能於負債到期時清還該筆債務);
符合到 (a) 及 (b) ,就叫做通過左 solvency test (償還能力測試),表示公司有足夠的淨資產。

2010-09-03 00:13:02 補充:
為何你要找香港執業會計師核數?入Share Premium是否有BVI的文件登記?由於Yahoo!有字數限制,你可以電郵我再問。
2017-01-23 4:41 pm
我司是BVI公司, 重未有派股息記錄, 現在由於東主往來太大, 金額跟累積盈利差不多, 請問可否用作派股息以減低東主往來及累積盈利的帳面數.

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