我擔心係網上騙案!請求各位幫幫忙, 看看這個是不是騙案 !!

2010-09-02 1:22 am
請求各位幫幫忙, 看看這個是不是騙案 !!!
1. I am interested in buying your item through bank payment and I need 1 to 5 pieces,you can email me on here at tinafalls6@gmail. com so that we can finalize the deal and if it is only one piece you have I will still buy it.Please reply me only to my tinafalls6@gmail. com email address in English language......
2. I am very sorry for the late reply and as you can see I am a very busy person at work and that is why it took so long before I could reply you and that is why I am even buying out of auction so I will like to finalize this transaction as soon as possible within days....I am shipping it to myself here in the USA and if I am okay with the item I might buy more and send it to my warehouses in other ........
1.) The exact name ...
2.) The amount you are offering to sell it to me per piece or if you have plenty pieces but if it is only 1 piece you have I am ok to buy the 1 alone.
3.) I will might be interested in buying more than 1 item.
4.) The shipping fees to this my address in the US after the checking on the Hong Kong Post Office
Name : Tina Merhai Address : 9533 Sutphin Blvd City : Jamaica
Phone Number : 601-******
5.) your bank account information like your bank account number,bank name and your bank account holder name so I can make the bank transfer payment right away to your Hong Kong bank account.
6.)Let me know the total amount I am to pay and remember include/add the shipping...
7.)About the color I want,any color is ok with me ...
3.I have just been notified by my Royal Bank of Scotland bank now that my payment has been approved so please you can go ahead and ship the items to my shipping address right away today as RBS instructed and do email the shipment tracking number or shipment receipt to RBS for verification then your bank account can be credited immediately within the next 24 hours...Please let me know maybe you have received the payment confirmation...

回答 (5)

2010-09-02 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案


2.對方不會 / 有時於Yahoo!拍賣度問你,但會比較喜歡以電郵直接聯絡賣家,為了不想於拍賣場度留記錄。
你fast trade(一般是高於開售價10倍,甚至100倍的價

參考: 以上回答內容是本人經驗(Vinci Cheung),不可能於任何網頁或書本上找到!如需轉載,必須列明出處!!!
2010-09-05 12:31 am
yes yes yes!!!!
參考: me
2010-09-03 3:08 am
2010-09-02 10:17 pm
睇完個自稱 "外國買家" 寫嘅內容, 勸您都係唔好輕易將自己嘅個人資料 (地址/ 電話/ 戶口號碼) 隨便比人, 因為您根本唔知佢係身處邊度同您買野。

1. d英文好 "論盡", 好刻意, 文法又唔通, 唔似 native, 唔似美國人。 好似一個寫中文嘅人夾硬扮外國人

2. 如果佢做電匯, 買果少少野, T/T 都要手續費, 仲有空運郵費 (相對都成半貨價)。 除非件貨物全個地球得您一個有得賣, 如果唔係相信無人會咁做。

3. 字裡行間佢似乎對您嘅 bank account 同 account holder name 比較有興趣, 好想您盡快比佢

4. 如果您真係要做佢生意, 一日未 confirm 收到晒 $, 都唔好寄任何野比佢。

5. 一日無您比嘅 bank account no. 等詳細資料, 佢係做唔到電匯比您, 而且係您收匯款嘅銀行通知您, 唔係佢果邊 confirmed 佢嘅 payment。

6. 佢又唔肯落 bid, 一日到黑要您响 e-mai 傾,又話比左 $, 咁有無 e-mail 張電匯單比您丫。

7. 做電匯,係2間銀行 (匯$果間 vs 收$果間) 直接聯繫, 唔需要您直接提供任何野比對方銀行的。


2010-09-02 1:44 am
十分簡單, 你等到你戶口確認收款後才寄貨, 就不用担心被騙

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