請高人指點 !! 意大利8日行程該如何安排

2010-09-02 12:30 am
意大利8日行程該如何安排 ,
wanna take train for the hold trip:

Roma > Pisa > Florence > Vience > Milan

29/09 Arr. Roma-06/10 go bk. HK~

thank you x 1000000sss!!

回答 (2)

2010-09-02 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
高人不敢當, 大家討論一下吧其實你自己已經大致編排左行程架啦. 意大利 4 大城市, 每地方大約每天停留 2 日.29/9: 到達羅馬, 爭取時間到訪景點, 如鬥獸場, 羅馬廢虛, 真實之口, 晚上才到西班牙廣場, 許願池等等
30/9: 羅馬 (梵蒂岡, 聖天使城堡, 如有時間剩可再到處找找貝尼尼手筆的噴泉)
1/10: 羅馬 (早上主打 1 - 2 間教堂) - 中午前往佛羅倫斯 (settle down 後去各大景點, 比較順路係聖母之花教堂 - 維其奧橋 - 米開蘭基羅廣場, 途中會經過唔少其他景點)
2/10: 佛羅倫斯 - 比薩一日遊
3/10: 佛羅倫斯 - 早車前往威尼斯 (如果想睇多少少佛羅倫斯, 可中午時份前往威尼斯, 威尼斯很小, 基本上半日可行完城區
4/10: 威尼斯外島一日遊
5/10: 威尼斯 - 早車前往米蘭
6/10: 準備回程, 不知道你是否從米蘭直接搭飛機回港, 否則需預算更多時間返回羅馬機場...

2010-09-01 21:40:28 補充:
As people will have different requirement on hotels, it's hard to say which one is good. In Europe, you can expect a simple double/ twin room in hostel (or we can say pension) is around 40 - 50 euro per person.

2010-09-01 21:40:35 補充:
Of course there is some cheaper one, but diffidcult to find. If you plan to stay in Youth Hostel, it will be around 20 euro per person per night, but you can't have much private room. You can go to www.hotelclub.com to have a look, or refer tro some travel guides' suggestions.

2010-09-01 21:41:59 補充:
For the timetable and cost of train service within Italy, you can visit the website http://www.ferroviedellostato.it/homepage_en.html. It's the official website of Italian Train Service

2010-09-01 21:42:34 補充:
If you think my information can help you, just select the icin "choose as the best answer", then points will be credited to my account. Thanks
2010-09-02 2:29 am
Thank U so much ar!!!!!!!


if u dun mind, may i know abt the hotel n train detials please???
i wanna know about the standard fee of Hotel n train!!!
if u dun mind ^.^

many thz¬

by the way how can i ''add point'' to u??

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