美國寄件一問 (可以寄食物嗎?)

2010-09-01 10:24 pm
想問是不是不能寄月餅到美國 (奶皇月餅)
但我去 dhl, 或到郵局網頁睇都好似話唔可以寄食物過去

回答 (3)

2010-09-01 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本美加食物都唔寄得的. 但其實佢地抽樣 ka jar ma. 如你唔寫係食物. 佢地唔知 ka wor. 我成日都寄 ka la. 因我個妹都係加拿大讀書. 係 edmonton. 我成日一箱一袋咁寄零食比佢. 好有經驗 ka la. 但每次我都係填 " candies 或 stationaries". 搖落去 D 聲似呀嘛. 大大話話寄左2年. 都 ok 過晒. 但月餅我有 D 休留喎. 唔係話過唔過到關問題. 而係奶皇會變既問題. 同埋驚 D 餅皮散晒.
2010-09-04 3:09 pm
if nobody check, you may mail the WHOLE PIG over there. but by law, you can not mail food into USA.

奶皇月餅 is very common item sell in all the Chinese stores and supermarkets during Aug and Sept.

well, tell the truth, not many Chinese interest to eat Moon Cake any more.----- too sweet and too fatty. bad to our health.
2010-09-01 10:35 pm
我見 fd 話係郵局寄 ems 兩三日會收到, 所以無咁快會變壞
我怕佢地會照 x-ray 0者

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