Windows XP 桌面時鐘唔準

2010-09-01 12:09 pm
點可以較番正桌面上嘅時鐘, 已經更正過無數次, 但幾日後又再慢番.


1 呢部係一年新嘅廠機, 照正常情況唔應該咁快冇電, 但唔排除粒電瓜咗 2 奇怪就係每次都係慢咗五分鐘, 唔會愈離愈慢, 不過未能肯定時開始慢, 現進行監察 3 會唔會CMOS個鐘壞咗有影響?


測試證明, 將時間較正之後, 短時間內會轉慢五分鐘, 之後就唔再變慢. 排除因為冇電嘅可能性.


又蠢又懶: 可能性極高, 因為係行緊公司 server, 有可能係佢個鐘慢, 但 Date and Time 入面冇同步呢個功能.

回答 (3)

2010-09-02 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
好可能係你架電腦既時鐘設定同Server或微軟既時鐘同步咗, 唔係你電腦既時鐘慢咗, 係因爲Server既時鐘慢咗或其它既時鐘快咗, 唯一既辦法就係將其自動同步Stop咗佢, 就可能冇咗呢個問題啦。

Synchronizing your computer clock If your computer is a member of a domain, your computer clock is probably synchronized automatically by a network time server If your computer is not a member of a domain, you can synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server. If synchronization is enabled, your computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week. However, if you don't have a continuous Internet connection through a cable modem or DSL modem, the automatic synchronization might not always occur. In that case, you can force an immediate synchronization by clicking the Update Now button on the Internet Time tab in Date and Time in Control Panel. This tab is only available if your computer is not a member of a domain. To turn off clock synchronization If your computer is a member of a domain, your computer clock is probably synchronized automatically by a network time server If your computer is not a member of a domain, your computer's clock is automatically and regularly synchronized by an Internet time server. This procedure provides information on turning off this feature. 1. Open Date and Time in Control Panel. 2. Click the Internet Time tab. The Internet Time tab is not available if your computer is a member of a domain. 3. Clear the Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server check box.

2010-09-02 01:12:56 補充:
2010-09-01 8:42 pm
I think you should replace the motherboard battery.Most of them are using CR2032.


2010-09-01 22:24:10 補充:
Have you try clear cmos to factory setting?

2010-09-01 22:30:09 補充:
廠機 should still under warranty, try contact computer service centre.

2010-09-01 23:50:22 補充:
但 Date and Time 入面冇同步呢個功能.---I think you can adjust the time by manul setting and disable 同步 times
move mouse to date and time at right hand bottom side, right click and you can found the setting
2010-09-01 6:01 pm
Have you configure the date/time function to use internet time server?? If not, you may want to do so. Check out:

2010-09-02 00:14:27 補充:
Seems your company's server has a bad clock settings. If you cannot change your own computer's setting (to remove the dependency of the domain server), there is not much you can do.

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