
2010-09-01 6:44 am

To have given clear and unified answers in familiar empirical terms to those theoretical questions which most occupied men's minds at the time, and to have deduced from them clear practical directives without creating obviously articifial links between the two, was the principle achievement of Marx's theory.

來源:Isaiah Berlin 《Karl Marx: His Life and Environment》1937

回答 (4)

2010-09-01 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
能夠以大家熟悉的措辭,為當時充斥著人們腦海的理論性的問題,賦予清晰而一致的答案;同時,能夠將「問題」與「答案」毫不虛假造作地聯繫起來,並推論出明確而實用的方向,正正是馬克思理論的主要成就。 來源:以賽亞 - 柏林《馬克思傳》
參考: hkslot
2010-09-02 12:55 am
2010-09-01 11:42 pm
2010-09-01 10:47 pm
要給予明確的和統一的答案,在熟悉的經驗條款,思想理論問題最佔領人們的頭腦在那個時候,並演繹他們清楚實際指令沒有造成明顯 articifial之間的聯繫的兩個,是原則的實現馬克思的理論。
參考: 我

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