
2010-08-31 6:27 pm

Entry Clearance Office comment: On 22/02/10 it became a requirement for a Tier 4 General Student applicant to hold a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies(CAS). You have submitted a CAS for the course: A Levels at Adcote School Educational Trust Limited. The PBS Tier 4 Sponsor Register of education providers states that Adcote School Educational Trust Limited do not have Highly Trusted Sponsor status, that they can not offer restricted courses and that "CAS issued on or after 6th April are not valid for restricted courses". Your CAS was assigned on 13/08/2010.I am therefore not satisfied that you have a vaild CAS and you have not been awarded any points for the CAS.You therefore do not meet the requirements to be granted entry clearance under Tier 4 (General) Student and i refuse your application under paragraph 245ZV(b)of the Immigration Rules.

p.s:我有個朋友,同我一樣,都係讀A Level課程,但我就被拒,諗極都唔明﹗﹗

回答 (3)

2010-09-01 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
From what the word above saying, it should not be your fault that your visa application got refused, in the response of UK home Office (immigration) your visa refused due to Insecure Sponsorship from your school.

So either your school have not had a good education run (ie a lot of student fail their visa requirment) or you have missed out something when you are applying.

By the judge of it, it's seems like the school you apply for have been strucked out of the PBS register (the international insurance thingy) as they (your School CAS) are still valid on or before march 2010, and the reason they refuse your CAS is cos they are given in August 2010. So i think it is possible that your school have let you down this time.

2010-09-01 09:49:55 補充:
Well, i dunnomuch about much with British Education system, i just comment on what you said the home office said....

2010-09-01 09:51:08 補充:
The PBS Tier 4 Sponsor Register of education providers states that Adcote School Educational Trust Limited do not have Highly Trusted Sponsor status

-- This effectivly telling you the Home Office does not trust the school as a sponsor of your CAS.

2010-09-01 09:52:03 補充:
that they can not offer restricted courses and that "CAS issued on or after 6th April are not valid for restricted courses

-- That saying the CAS offer by your school after April 6 is not suitable for Restricted course.

2010-09-01 09:52:51 補充:
Your CAS was assigned on 13/08/2010.I am therefore not satisfied that you have a vaild CAS and you have not been awarded any points for the CAS

-- That saying since you have a CAS that are not eligible to sponsor for restricted course, your CAS cannot score points in T-4 Visa

2010-09-01 09:53:14 補充:
which effectively refused your visa application

2010-09-01 09:54:01 補充:
Now, as i said in the main answe, i dunno if that is the school, you or the government, but seeing a letter like that, i would bet on your school is the one with the trouble here.

2010-09-01 09:54:40 補充:
but hey, i can be wrong, as i don't know your circumstance and what you do and even what course you enrolled. so..........

2010-09-01 09:57:13 補充:
And Joker's answer confused something, asker does not apply a visa on Feb 2010, the letter said Home Office have require CAS from February 2010 onward, all T-4 visa require a valid CAS to be part of application.

THat does not mean the asker applied for the visa in Feb 2010....

2010-09-01 09:57:56 補充:
i think he misunderstood the letter....
2010-08-31 8:17 pm
Adcote School Educational Trust Limited係一間超過一百年歷史和貴族既學校,更上過bbc接受訪問。係一間好好既學校。就算你有$都好難入到。



2010-09-02 20:11:48 補充:
2010-08-31 6:47 pm



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