pls help to transfer to englis

2010-08-31 6:24 pm
All the Delivery Note have been chop, if you can't see clearly, pls call us. Thanks

咁寫啱唔啱呢 ??有無錯

回答 (2)

2010-08-31 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All the Delivery Note have been chop, if you can't see clearly, pls call us. Thanks.
Nothing's wrong with it. But i'll write it this way:

All the delivery notes were stamped, please notify us if
they are not clear enough to see. Thank you.

參考: Self
2010-08-31 6:36 pm
基本表達到。只是delivery notes要眾數和have been chopped是past participle,並且see後面要表明不能看見甚麼(object)才是正確文法。

All the Delivery Notes have been chopped, if you can't see them clearly, pls call us. Thanks.


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