The Number e and natural log

2010-08-31 9:27 am
Solve the following equations and give the answers in exact values.

e^(x+1) + e^x = 2

回答 (5)

2010-08-31 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
e^(x+1) + e^x = 2
e^x + e^1 + e^x = 2
e^x(e^1 + 1) = 2
e^x(2.7183 + 1) = 2
e^x(3.7183) = 2
e^x = 2/3.7183
e^x = 0.5379
x = ln 0.5379
x = -0.6201

Check: Let x = -0.6201
e^(x+1) + e^x = 2
e^(-0.6201+1) + e^(-0.6201) = 2
e^0.3799 + e^(-0.6201) = 2
1.4621 + 0.5379 = 2
2 = 2

2010-08-31 02:09:58 補充:
They want the answer in exact value.

2010-08-31 02:16:46 補充:
sorry that line 2 is wrong
e^x + e^1 + e^x = 2

The correct one is (e^x)(e^1) + e^x = 2

because e^(x+1) = e^x e^1

The rest are OK.
2010-08-31 9:47 pm
003: have you studied amaths yet?
It's true for the existence of natural number "e".

2010-08-31 13:48:44 補充:
Please refer to
2010-08-31 6:00 pm
in terms of e
2010-08-31 9:51 am
e^x= 2/(e+1)
x=ln[ 2/(e+1) ] or ln(2)-ln(e+1)
2010-08-31 9:39 am
邊有exact value??
又e 又x.....

2010-08-31 13:14:51 補充:
e^1 = 2.7183


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