south china morning post

2010-08-31 7:59 am
when reading the headline,i do not understand the meaning of the new .

The memorandum of understanding , if announced,would signal a significant turn-around of washington"s stance towards chinese investment in the US and also comes at a time that cash-rich china, with more than US$2 trillion worth of foreign exchange reserves, is buying overseas assets aggressively.

if announced之後點解要comma??
if announced.......if 之後可以svo 同 if v嫁??
with 之前點解要comma??
exchange reserves之後點解要comma??

回答 (1)

2010-08-31 6:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文的COMMA有文法功能, 不單是如中文般用來斷句和方便閱讀.

在名詞或名詞片語之後, 續接由兩個內含字句的COMMAS, 是表達COMMAS內的字句是為前名詞増加意義的. 一個簡單的用法:

Miss Reis, the beauty queen, is married to Mr. Hui.

如果沒有COMMA裡的字, 句字意思都完整 (李小姐嫁許先生). 但COMMA裡的字句是"李小姐"這名詞的補充說明,成為 : 選美冠軍李小姐嫁許先生.

你的例句中, COMMAS裡的if announced 和 with $XXX of exchange reserves都是這這個功能. 前者補充的是"備忘錄", 變成 : 這項備忘錄若然公布, 則表示華府立場有變. 後者補的是"中國", 變成 : 擁有XXX元龐大外匯儲備的中國將積極買入海外資產

具備補充功能的文句可以以很多形式出現, 如上文的the beauty queen, 是名詞片語; 上文with $XXX of exchange reserves的情況, 是以preposition和名詞組成的片語. if ( it is ) announced 是連接詞片語, 而這裡的 ( it is ) 是可以省略的

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