幾題maths (中3to中4) 15點!!

2010-08-31 3:46 am
1.prove that the straight line passing through A(2,3) and B(-4,-6)passes through the origin.

2.how many straight lines are there on the Cartesian coordinate plane with slope 1?

3.A(a,1),B(2,a-1),where a>2.

4. 2 ice creams have similar shapes.Each of them has a shape of a hemishere on top of a cone as shown below.The volume of the small ice cream is 70ml.The larger ice cream has double the surface area of the smaller one. Find the volume of the larger ice cream.

5.If the radius of a spherical balloon is increased by 10%,what is the percentage increase in surface area and percentage increase in the volume?

6.write an irrational number whose square is smaller than itself.State the reasoning.

7.Sam has a fixed amount of pocket money every month. He saved 40% of his pocket money last month.He buys a book and thus spends 30% more this month.What percentage of pocket money does he save this month?

please help~

回答 (1)

2010-08-31 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Slope of AB = (-6-3)/(-4-2) = 3/2
Slope of AO = 3/2 = slope of AB ∴A,O,B are collinear
∴ The straight line passing through A and B passes through the origin.2.For the family of straight lines with slope 1, the equation can be written asy = x + C, where C is an arbitrary constantFor real value of C, C can be any value.∴There are infinitely many straight lines with slope 13. AB = √[(a-2)² + (a-1-1)²]
= √[2(a-2)²]
= (a-2)√24.Let x be the surface area of the smaller ice cream.
Let y be the volume of the larger ice cream.Surface area of larger ice cream: 2x
Hence, area ratio: 2x/x = 2
Volume ratio: y/70 Since (A1/A2)^3=(V1/V2)²
The volume of the large ice-cream is 198 ml. 5.Original surface area = 4pir²
New surface area= 4pi(r×1.1)²=1.21×4pi r²
Percentage increase =(1.21×4pi r²-4pi r²)/(4pi r²) × 100% = 21%Original volume = 4/3pir^3
New volume=4/3pi(r×1.1)^3 = 1.331×4/3pir^3
percentage increase in volume = (1.331×4/3pi r^3-4/3pi r^3)/(4/3pi r^3)×100%
= 33.1%6.
Let √y be one of the required number, where y is a non-negative no.
so, y < √y
√y-y > 0
√y(1-√y) >0
{√y>0 and (1-√y)>0 or {√y<0 and (1-√y)<0 (rej. √y≧0)
∴1 > √y > 0 (so, 0<y<1)7.
Let $y be the pocket money he has for a monthLast month he spent
=(1-40%) y
=0.6ytherefore,this month he spent
=0.6y × (1+30%)
=0.6y × 1.3
=0.78ythe percentage of pockey moneyhe saves this month
= (y - 0.78y)/y × 100%
= 22%

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