
2010-08-31 2:24 am
各位你好, 有以下兩條問題向各位請教。

1. 我丈夫是加拿大公民(Montreal), 已回港公作18年。6年前我們在當地注冊結婚, 我想申請加拿大公民護照, 因為我是家中獨女, 實在不可拋下父母到當地住幾年。但為工作需要有加拿大護照實在是方便些出國。請問這樣可以嗎? 手續如何?

2. 我丈夫是加拿大公民(Montreal), 在當地可以買屋嗎? 每年要交幾錢稅款( 屋約值30萬加紙) ?


其實我丈夫十幾年前已在當地買了屋, 所有首期和供款均由他出資, 間屋由他母親和幾位弟妹居住o他們不知由何得知, 因為我丈夫不是居民只是公民,不可以買樓否則要付很多稅o我想問這否正確 ? 非本地居民買樓要比幾多稅? 所以現在間屋是寫他弟弟名的, 過去10年我並不覺得有問題o但最近他弟弟娶了太太, 此'北方姑娘" 非常之利害o我很想將間屋寫回我丈夫名下o但我丈夫又開不了口o 我們是在港做生意的, 但緊可為持生活, 這間屋是我們唯一資產,對我很重要o 我想問清情況和手續, 再和他們開口o總之好煩! 希望在保護自已和寬宏大量中取得平衡o


Thanks a lot.Lool. Maybe i need to find a layer to get some advice. Thats very bad suition and i dont want to face. Btw, r u in Canada now ?

回答 (2)

2010-09-08 3:18 pm
since you are not born in Canada, all immigrant have to live in Canada for 3 years and then apply the citizenship. sorry no short cut.!

anyone can buy real estate in Canada, regret he is tourist, immigrant or citizen... your Hb had been fooled by his family. he should talked with real estate lawyer for this matter before he brough the property....... since now the house title is under his brother's name.....
that's it! it is his house, and grovernment does not care who paid for it at the beginning. even you provide the paid check, bank statement.....etc, but he still can say it is your gift to him...... any law sue is useless.

now only his brother willing to return the house to your HB, ( in this way, your Hb have to pay tax for the house transition, the capital grain tax when one day he want to sell the house. ), that is why i say he made a mistake at first place..... too bad, too late now.

參考: consided it is a big gift to the brother lor.
2010-08-31 5:59 am
1. 我丈夫是加拿大公民(Montreal), 已回港公作18年。6年前我們在當地注冊結婚, 我想申請加拿大公民護照, 因為我是家中獨女, 實在不可拋下父母到當地住幾年。但為工作需要有加拿大護照實在是方便些出國。請問這樣可以嗎? 手續如何?

Lol, you wish......

If you want the passport, by law, you need to live in Canada for 3 years (1095 days) in Canada, and a Whole 365 days period IN CANADA immediately BEFORE your Citizenship application.

However, in your case, you May be able to claim Canadian Ties if your husband are living with you oversea and have a reason to. (not sure if yours are enough) But you still have to live in Canada for at least 365 days continiously if you want to claim Canadian Citizenship.

2. 我丈夫是加拿大公民(Montreal), 在當地可以買屋嗎? 每年要交幾錢稅款( 屋約值30萬加紙) ?

You can, actually buying dwelling in Canada have nothing to do with Canadian Citizenship or not.

How much tax he need to pay depends on how much he earn and how much tax refund he entitle, as you did not stated his job and what is his status (family living in canada and etc) I cannot tell you how much tax he have to pay.

2010-08-31 00:21:31 補充:
Not quite sure about your situation, I only become Canadian PR in 2007, anywhere before that i don't really know..sorry...

What i know is, for a non-resident to purchase a home in Canada, they need to pay more stamp duty and you may need to pay investment tax as well

2010-08-31 00:22:05 補充:
If that properties is not your primary residence.

This is all i know about properties law in canada, don't know if that is of much help
參考: Canadian PR since 2007

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