幫我check下文法有冇錯(英文) 急~

2010-08-31 12:51 am
係一篇關於馬尼拉事件既New Reaction~
I was extremely sad when I read this news and it is a bad news to Hong Kong people because there were eight Hong Kong people sacrificed in this event.I was angry to the Philippine police, they missed many chances to subdue the gunman.I hope this event will not happen again ,the injured will heal quickly and the hostages whos alive will live happily .

回答 (4)

2010-08-31 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I take the liberty to edit Ling’s copy. We all try to help AngelaAngela.

I was extremely sad when I learnt (received) this news. It was bad news for Hong Kong people because there were eight Hong Kong people shot dead in this event. I was angry with the Filipino police, who had missed several chances to subdue the gunman. Never will such tragedy happen again. I hope that the injured will recover quickly and the others will live happily.


(1)很少人用 read the news, 用 read the newspaper. 用hear, learn, receive, get, announce, or await the news.
(2)News is an uncountable noun. (omit the article “a”)
(3)News for someone (It is more common to use “for”).
(4)Filipino (Spelling)
(5)Never will such tragedy happen again. 用 inversion for emphasis. 不用 I hope, 因為下句子用 I hope, 不想重復.
(6)我相信 injured 是指 injured people. Heal 這個字用錯, 改用 recover. Heal通常指 wounds (or arms, broken bone …etc) will heal up. 另外一用法, Jesus healed the sick.

發問者:AngelaAngela asks us to check the grammar only. Hope AngelaAngela won’t mind if we change a few words too (usage).

Thanks a lot. Ling.
2010-08-31 1:31 am

I was extremely sad when I read this news. It is a bad news to Hong Kong people because there were eight Hong Kong people shot dead in this event. I was angry with the Flipino police, who had missed several chances to subdue the gunman. I hope this tragedy will not happen again. I hope that the injured will heal quickly and the others will live happily .
2010-08-31 12:58 am
~ New response
I am very sad, I read this news, this is a bad news, because Hong Kong people, eight in Hong Kong is the expense of people's anger event.I Philippine police said they missed many opportunities to hope that this event is not uniform gunman.I happen again, will quickly heal the injured, the hostages will live a happy life who

2010-08-30 17:47:07 補充:
library chop=圖書館印章
2010-08-31 12:55 am
冇錯so good!!
參考: Me

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