English time table

2010-08-29 10:14 pm
1)CHINS = 2)HEC =

3)PSE = 4)PTH =

5)D&T = 6)SCJ =

7)E&RE = 8)HIST =

9)GEOG = 10)EOR =

Help!我要Chinese or English

回答 (2)

2010-08-29 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)CHINS = Chinese
2)HEC = Home Economics
3)PSE = Physical Sciences and Engineering
4)PTH = Putonghua
5)D&T = Design and Technology
6)SCJ = Science
7)E&RE = Ethics and Religion Studies
8)HIST = History
9)GEOG = Geography
10)EOR = Econometrics and Operations Research

Hope that you find it useful.

2010-08-29 15:17:31 補充:
CHIN = Chinese
2010-09-01 3:58 am
1)CHINS = Chinese History
2)HEC = Home Economics
3)PSE =
4)PTH = Putonghua
5)D&T = Design and Technology
6)SCJ = Science
7)E&RE = Ethical and Religious Education
8)HIST = History
9)GEOG = Geography
10)EOR =
chin= Chinese

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 01:04:57
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