chem volume question

2010-08-29 3:06 am
One litre of oxygen weighs 1.43g at 0度 and 760 mmHg .Calculate the weight of one litre of oxygen at 23度 and 720mmHg.


回答 (1)

2010-08-29 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
PV = nRT
PV = (m/M)RT
P / mT = R / MV
Since gas constant (R), molar mass of oxygen (M) and volume (V = 1 L) are kept constant, P/mT is constant.
P1 / m­1T1 = P2 / m2T2

Pressure: P1 = 760 mmHg, P2 = 720 mmHg
Absolute temperature: T1 = 273 K, T2 = 273 + 23 = 296 K
Mass: m1 = 1.43 g, m2 = ?

P1 / m1T1 = P2 / m2T2
(760) / (1.43)(273) = (720) / m2(296)

The required mass (weight), m2
= (720)(1.43)(273) / (760)(296)
= 1.25 g
參考: adam

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