
2010-08-29 2:21 am
我係今年CE生, 報左個IVE的三年全日制課程, 交左$5000, 未交過學費, 但我搵到其他出路, 而家IVE未開學, 請問我應該點退學??有什麼手續要做呢??同埋洗唔洗比額外費用??謝謝

(請不要答"交左$5000都唔讀??太哂了"之類的答案, 因為為錢選錯路一定後悔, 謝謝)

回答 (1)

2010-08-29 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are not asking for refund of the 5000 dollars, the procedure is very simple. Just write a letter informing IVE your withdrawal. Full stop!

The $5,000 is not refundable anyway. You need not pay anything extra.

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