why wont the ticks die?

2010-08-27 4:16 pm
i bathed my dog with flea and tick shampoo about 3 days ago and bought him a fle and tick collar and he still has ticks on him.

回答 (10)

2010-08-27 4:23 pm
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did you leave the shampoo on him for 5 minutes or more before washing it off? if not then that's the problem, you have to give the pyrenes time to set in and work.

if you did leave it on then you need to get a spot treatment,ie: Frontline, Harts, Adams, etc.., or have your dog dipped. I know the past couple of years the flea and tick population have almost become armour plated when trying to treat them. last year it seemed like nothing worked that we sold in the store. It seemed like the only way to kill them was to dip the animals.
參考: Pet store owner
2010-08-27 11:18 pm
Because flea and tick shampoo is useless crap. Flea and tick collars kills more dogs and cats than fleas. Go to the vet and have them removed. Ticks are serious and require immediate attention. If you don't know how to properly remove them, then a medical professional needs to do it. Like...yesterday.
2010-08-27 11:20 pm
oh yuk - how can you leave them. It is not good to leave them anyway, as it is at the end of the cycle that they transmit Lymes disease.

Go and get yourself some tick hooks and get them off immediately they are on there. These are tick hooks but UK.


You just catch the head in the hook, twirl anti-clockwise and the head comes out. I usually then wrap them in a paper towelling and squash them till they pop and then they are definitely deceased....
2010-08-27 11:19 pm
Here's a little secret Hartz won't let you in on. Flea shampoos and flea collars DO NOT WORK. Go the petsmart and buy some Frontline or Advantage. Apply as directed. All fleas and/or ticks should be dead within 48 hours. Do not bathe your dog for 48 hours before and after the application. Reapply in four weeks until tick season is over. Tick season is over when there are TWO good hard frosts in a row. (If you live in a warm climate, tick season is never over.)
參考: experience http://fyipets.com
2010-08-27 11:22 pm
I'm not sure why it didn't work, but I found this site and it had some good info. that I thought might be of interest to you.

2010-08-27 11:34 pm
he may be getting reinfested from his environment. also flea and tick collars don't really do the job. you have to use frontline plus, revolution, or some other flea and tick product
2010-08-27 11:32 pm
they shampoo repels them when they might get them. same thing for the collar. your problem is they get giving birth. you need to get to the vet and get them removed quickly before they multiply even more then they all ready have
2010-08-27 11:30 pm
Thye are probably dead and will need removing with a tick comb or hook
2010-08-27 11:29 pm
they lay eggs you need a flea comb find the eggs there white and grey flea collars cannot kill the eggs you can burn them kills quickly or put them in hot water or try some tea tree shampoo is good against fleas ticks and lice they can't stand it don't know why but it works its good against head lice so it might work but not always its worth a try its not dog shampoo it won't harm it as long as it doesn't get in its eyes it stings badly so be careful good luck
2010-08-27 11:27 pm
Shampoo isn't the best solution for flea & tick problem.

Get a flea comb for your dog, and using dog flea medication & treatment too. You should also clean your house floor with proper cleaning solution.
參考: Miniwan Pet Pharmacy www.miniwan-online.com

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