英文問題-To put into prespective

2010-08-27 11:15 pm
To put (somethings) into prespective -係點解?!

In fact, last year, when he had finished counting the golf balls he had retrieved, the
number totalled 800,000. {{{To put this into prespective}}}, the golf balls, which had
been lost throughout the previous year, weighed more than forty tonnes!

當中的{{{To put this into prespective}}}又係點解?!

打錯左~ 應該係perspective

回答 (2)

2010-08-28 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
我很相信prespective 是個錯字, 很可能是perspective的誤寫, 但如真是我估的
perspective, 在繪畫藝術上解作遠近, 透視或分角投影繪畫法。perspective是個名詞, 亦可解作非常想像力, 就解釋到你的例句, " 他去年失球約......照想像他去年的失球總重量應超過四十噸了。"。
參考: nil
2010-08-28 2:02 am
to put something into perspective = the ability to think about the problems and decisions in a reasonable way without exagerating their importance.客觀/正確地判斷
e.g. Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective 跟別人談談往往有助於正確處置自己的問題。

2010-08-27 18:18:02 補充:
{To put this into perspective} = 以此(數據)作客觀判斷...
I tried to put the matter into perspective= 我盡量正確評估一下這個問題。
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Eng-Chin dictionary

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