expansion 同 extension 有咩分別

2010-08-27 4:59 pm
expansion 同 extension 有咩分別



回答 (2)

2010-08-27 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
擴展; 擴張; 膨脹[U]The new factory is large, to allow room for expansion. 新工廠很大, 有地方可以擴展。擴大物[C]The suburbs are an expansion of cities. 郊區是城市的延伸。
伸展; 伸長; 擴大[U][(+of)]the extension of our foreign trade 擴大我們的對外貿易延長; 延期; 緩期[U][C]We had hoped for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week. 我們曾希望把最後期限延至週末。延長部分; 擴大部分; 增設部分[C]We built an extension to our house. 我們擴建了我家的房屋。電話分機[C]
2010-08-27 7:23 pm
expansion是膨漲, 一般是用於形容事物體積, 數目等如:
The expansion of the world's population is unimaginable.
extension是延長, 一般是用於形容時間,長度如:
He wants to have an extension of his leave(假期) .
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