
2010-08-26 8:23 pm

1.How do human bodies respond to changes?
2.What causes infectious disease and how can our bodies defend themselves?
3.what determines where particular species live and their numbers?
4.Why are individuals of the same species different from each other?

thankyou very much!

回答 (1)

2010-08-28 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am surely not good in biology .Since nobody answer your question , I would like to try .
1. Through years of years evolution , human body adapts to code with the change so they can survive .
2. There are plenty of small living organism around us that they are so tiny required microscope to veiw . There are 2 classes , one is good for us & one will hurt us . The bad one can infect our bodies causing diseases . Due to the invasion of bacteria or virus , our bodies usually have white blood cell to defend & finally eliminate the invaders . If our body is healthy enough , we win the battle , or we need to see the doctor to use antibody to kill them .
3. I donot quite understand this question . When infavour conditions lasted , such dry around , let take mould for example , they will form spores floating in the air , when they touch humid & warm area , they germinate & feed on the substrate to form a lot of mould .
4. This is because each indivual will encount different enviroment so the adaptation is quite different . So through years of change , there are variations happened on each indivual even within the same species .

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:28:34
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