紀念冊 金句 english

2010-08-26 6:18 pm
I want some 紀念冊 ge金句use english for thankyou someone!!!

回答 (3)

2010-08-27 2:22 am
Best Friends Forever (BFF)
True friends for life (TFFL)
Wish you all the best in your exams/ in your life.
You will have an amazing life!
We both have got a lifelong journey to fulfill. Let's do it side-by-side!
You have been such a good friend in these two years and I am going to miss you very, very much. Keep in touch!
Always keep your true-hearted smile on face to keep away your worries!
Your cheerful attitude has always been the most charming doctor to us! Don't change!
You are such a determined and capable person and I am sure you are going to be great in your new school.
Although we have not talked much, I know you are a loving and loved girl/boy.
You are always so gentle, so kind, and so friendly, I can't thank you anymore for all your helps offered to me in these years.
I know I am going to miss your funky jokes very, very much.
There is nothing can stop you fighting for your dreams!
Go for it and hit your goal hard!
Good luck in future!
I will always remember you.
Don't forget me!

Blah Blah Blah...

Really, it depends who you are writing to, and what you really think of the person, Say something that is true and warm rather than just copy. Leave each other a good last impression.
參考: me myself
2010-08-26 6:44 pm
It's needless to use any famous sentences.
But, if you do not agree, then there are some sentences
for you:

Forever friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is someone who will help you move.
A real friend is someone who will help you move a body.
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute.
A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire
2010-08-26 6:32 pm
參考: 自己

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