
2010-08-26 12:35 pm
我sd sms 話 也許我該放手 也許你也放下我 之後佢回我 我們還可以做朋友嗎?
我回佢: 好呀... 但我其實心入面5想的......
最後 我都接受左佢既分手
但我真係好5捨得放手的 而佢仲係好鍾意我 ,,,,, 我有試探過

有冇d咩方法可以挽回教教我 有fd話 呢一刻 衰要既係時間....但我5知點做,,,
佢個性格 係 內向同漂忽 一時好堅決 一時好心軟

回答 (5)

2010-08-30 1:10 pm
情況都我一樣 你何必為你捨棄既野留戀 佢愛得你又冇安全感 !?

愛得你.....你又愛佢 點會冇安全感 一睇就可能係樓上講既野 =錢

二就係佢冇愛你好耐 你點知佢仲愛你!?愛你會分手!?連小小挽留都冇...愛!? 我睇你都唔知咩係愛 愛係一個互相關心 互就 石對方 係心中

你連分手也提出 你挽留既機會係冇

睇你補充 係佢提出 你一定要挽留!?奈何有日又係感會點 愛得感不定

2010-08-26 9:05 pm
好似你漂忽多d ,

系你話分手先 ,

( 但我其實心入面5想的, 再接受佢分手 !)

其實你知吾知你自己想點 ?


(也許我該放手 也許你也放下我)

咦家你應該當面同佢多一次 ,

話你吾系想分手 / 吾知應該點做 ( 解釋反 ) ......
後攬 住佢 !

佢可能會同你復合 !
2010-08-26 5:47 pm
2010-08-26 3:31 pm
that is so similiar 2me &my ex.

btw, wht is "sd" means? sry i didn't know much of these terms.

i would like to ask wht happen to u two before u sms each other about breaking up & being friends from now on?

& do u really really like her that you are willing to change a bit for her?
for me, as a girl, before i suggest u anything, i wanna ask do u still remember how u two get together? how sweet u two were before? if u can do that before, then y u can't do it now? just bring that feeling again, and tell her u don wanna let go. sometimes when u r waiting for her to do the thing first, she might be waiting for u too. don't make her wait for u too long, becox waiting for 2long, she might think u don wanna get back w/ her anymore, & she might wanna give the chance to other ppl & i don think that is wht u want.

everyone can be 一時好堅決 一時好心軟, it really depends on to whom and when.

if u think she still likes u, then don break urs relationship, it is not worth it when two ppl still like each other but can't be w/ each other cox some fight or disagreement. i'm sure ppl can find a way to get along. try 2talk 2each other &see how u two feel about each other.

p.s. it is really hard to be friends again after separate. i tried to be friend w/ my ex & we were ok at that time too, until he met a girl at work, and start dating her, then i realize that it makes me feel upsad when i hear he likes other girl. although i'm dating someone now, sometimes i would think about him since we hv been together for 6 yrs. but when u feel like u can't find the sparkle between u two &1 side didn't try to fix this relationship. there is nth to do for one to keep the relationship. i was hoping saying break up w/ him so that he could do sth and tell me that he is worth to trust and to be w/. he tried, but he gave up so easily too, which is y i'm not surprise i stay strong about this break up.

think about it carefully. and wish u luck, hope this helps u.
2010-08-26 1:10 pm
好多時 安全感係=錢

冇可能咁直接同你講 我地仲可以做朋友嗎??
感覺上佢大唔起架 !!!

需要既係時間 ??

即係你朋友覺得 你令一半會主動搵你傾?
類似既說話 ""我仲係好掛住你架 琴晚係我衰先既....""
老土D講 睇下邊個認衰



問題始終係要你自己去解決的 !!!

如果堅持要等 咁祝你好運啦

2010-08-26 22:35:45 補充:
=.=' 即係佢sms 講既 ""也許我該放手 也許你也放下我"" 之後佢回我

唔係好明 sor sor

但係唔係冇得攪既 咁你朋友講得岩 普通一個冷靜期姐
只要佢仲係覺得你好 既一定會搵你既
係呢個冷靜期諗清楚 點做啦

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