macbook how to open msn ?

2010-08-26 1:15 am
macbook how to open msn ?

回答 (3)

2010-08-27 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
如不能下載, 可使用webmsn:

如果你的電腦是蘋果電腦牌的MAC OS的話,可以另外下載這個最新版的Messenger for Mac聊天軟體,他跟目前在微軟作業系統中的MSN功能差不多,介面、操作也差不多,不過介面好看很多唷!如果你是舊版的使用者,快更新到這個 7版吧。

Say it face-to-face with audio and video

If your company has Office Communications Server 2007 and Messenger for Mac 7 installed within your corporate network, you can participate in face-to-face meetings with co-workers in other cities, countries, or on Windows PCs using multi-party audio and video conferencing.

Take better advantage of your corporate network.

For corporate users, increased support for Office Communications Server 2007 makes it easy to search a corporate address book from within Messenger and quickly find internal contacts and their presence information. With corporate users each having an account on your corporate network, communications are more protected.

Let co-workers know you’re available to chat.

Thanks to Mac OS X Bonjour instant networking technology, people will be able to see if you’re on the local network. New “presence” enhancements in Messenger for Mac 7 include the ability to add a personal message to your contact information, so co-workers will know more about when you’re available to chat.

2010-08-26 17:11:12 補充:
參考: 我myself
2010-08-26 2:45 am
Many Windows type software not support Mac OS. use Mac trouble, If install windows on mac computer, you also want fix many problems. such as not windows device driver...

Mac has a MSN software. MSN OK. Online Games Some can't.
2010-08-26 1:21 am
如果係裝既你可以去yahoo search adium
佢比offical msn for mac好用好多

foxy係唔support mac既
參考: myself

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