
2010-08-25 11:47 pm
the e-mail i want to use: [email protected]
pw: 123456

plz help, and i dun know why i can't an acc~~

><"""" 但我想申請多artist用的大陸微博... 但申請到!!!!!!! why?

回答 (2)

2010-08-29 4:00 am
2010-08-26 1:05 am
Because you are already using Sina email address, you can actually add the Sina Blog via your existing account. If you don't know how to apply, I've already sent an invitation email to your [email protected] address and you can click the relate link to activate the Sina Blog service directly.

2010-09-02 14:33:29 補充:
如果你要用 @SINA.COM 的電郵作登記可直接在 SINA 版上申請開設新浪微博戶口; 假如不懂的話請提供另一個非 @SINA.COM 的電郵戶口我代你登記吧 (如 ) 明白嗎?

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