Netbooks = 弱???

2010-08-25 10:04 pm
10.1吋電腦:有朋友叫我唔好buy, 因為好弱,係唔係嫁???

回答 (4)

2010-08-26 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
True its build for third world (undevelop country) kid to use on the first hand. The purpose for every kid in third world to know how computer can improve their life.

And some of the Big shot see there have a market requirement then start to mass production and create a product line to increase their sales and company profit.

Its depends on your need if just work on some word processing (e.g. MS Word, excel, powerpoint), seeing the photo, checking email and don't require any speed. Its good to have it.

Hope the information help!


2010-08-27 18:13:21 補充:
This kid's (冰封了) keep post same hopeless and repeat comment. Wasting the forum space.
2010-08-26 5:55 am
2010-08-25 10:36 pm
  是極弱,比起 I5、I7 Cpu 的電腦。如果你用慣了雙核電腦,就一定覺得慢。若你是在 90時代初已用電腦,Netbook 還可以,只要不使用強大功能的軟件、遊戲。
2010-08-25 10:26 pm
netbook 係for一般文書 一般睇片
一般ge 睇網頁

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