half year part time-2 full shifts per weeks, or equivelent, can be paied or unpaid, in commercial kitchen
now I have a situation: I started the course Feb last year, I did about 35 full shifts working experience in commercial kitchen-unpaid, for the requirement in the college. but no proof left for us.
Now I have got a patry cook job. Actually I have got the work experience requirement for grad visa 475. How can I prove for it?
Thank you for reading and answering.
Hi, Thank you for your prompt reply. :) According to http://www.deewr.gov.au/Skills/Programs/SkillsAssess/TRA/residenceVisa/JobReady/Pages/ProSkills.aspx I mean this part 1.3 work experience ..... after that, 1.12 Statement from your employer about ..... Thank you for your reading.
I mean I have done 35 days-one shift=8 hours, and those days are in school days. But no proof from the college.
Thank you Lool,Yes what I have done is working experience(260 hours, but no proof) and I want 485 Skill graduate Visa. You mean both working experience (within the course) and industrial placement (paid) can be satisfied the condition for this visa?how can I do the proof?The proof for job reference?