翻譯Fiddles on fire

2010-08-24 10:13 pm

Fiddles on fire

Rosin up the bow, call out the fire department, and let's go! This lively, energetic
piece gives students a chance to show off their newly learned C natural (on the A
string) in a modal display of beginning virtuosity. Vigorous open double stops add to the vitality of this work making it one that students will want to play again and again.

回答 (3)

2010-08-24 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
看來是和拉小提琴有關的, 有些音樂名詞 .....


嗚鳴~消防車來了 ! 小朋友, 不要害怕, 不是失火, 只是琴弓隨著熱烈的節奏, 像火焰般飛揚! 這首輕快活潑的練習作品, 讓小提琴初學者在掌握A弦奏出C原音的技巧後, 便可盡情在拉奏中獲得演奏流麗作品的滿足感. 樂曲首段以空弦奏出的雙音使節奏更明快, 情感更高昂, 難怪小提琴學習者都對它愛不釋手
2010-08-24 11:51 pm
Fiddles on fire

Rosin up the bow, call out the fire department, and let's go! This lively, energetic
piece gives students a chance to show off their newly learned C natural (on the A
string) in a modal display of beginning virtuosity. Vigorous open double stops add to the vitality of this work making it one that students will want to play again and again.

2010-08-24 10:37 pm
在火的無意識而不停地撥弄弓的松香,召集消防队,並且我們去! 這活潑,精力充沛
片斷給學生一個機會炫耀自然他們的最近學會的C (在A
串)在起點藝術鑒別力語氣顯示。 蒼勁的開放雙重中止增加到做它學生將想要再次演奏的一的這工作的生命力。
參考: me

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