美國旅行 - 手提上機行李規格

2010-08-24 9:49 pm
由香港去日本再到美國紐約,LA,Washington 等地旅行搭飛機,
行李想手提上機唔寄艙慳時間防寄失, 行李規格如何? 大細及重量?
安檢時手提的透明膠袋大小? 那裡購買?
袋內可盛多少樽100ml 的液體容器?
Hand & night cream, eye gel, toothpaste, 是否不算液體, 不用放入透明膠袋?

其實上網看過美國運輸安全局都唔肯定, 佢講的 3 ounces + 1 quart + 1 bag

回答 (2)

2010-08-24 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你真係咁冇行李 ?? 去咁遠可以完全唔寄艙 ??

手提行李既行尺寸限制係 23 x 35 x 56 cm, 其實就只係一隻細拖喼, 好細, 放幾件衫, 一條褲就 full. 估計你係坐 United Airlines, 但佢網頁上又冇講重量限制 wor. 如果以一般航空公司既標準, 手提行李只得 7 kg. 隻喼既重量已經係 2kg, 你真係只得 5 kg 行李嗎 ?

安檢需要用既透明拉鍊袋其實就係細 size 既密實袋而已. 你最多可以放 10 支 100ml 既東西進去. 透明拉鍊袋係機場入閘前有得攞既, 但保險 d 就自己帶啦. handcream, 牙膏, eye gel 等等全部都要入袋. 刀片係唔可以帶上機.

我覺得你都係將行李寄艙啦. 去美國可以帶 2 隻喼加埋 60 幾 kg... 無理由蝕比佢自己拎餐死既...
2010-08-29 5:46 am
NYC, LA and DC...... ? how long you planning to travel? at least about one week to 10 days+ , right?

no check in luggages? wow, i think the airport security sure will pay more attention at you.

the carry in bag limit is about --- little bigger that tha backpack. weight is up to you but normally will not over 30 - 40 lbs, right?
plus you can carry laptop computer and girl can carry hand big extra.

personal daily use stuff is ok to bring in plane, but as i say, use common sense.

2010-08-28 21:48:17 補充:
since you have to pass the customs, check in luggages will not a problem for you.----- you have to wait in line anyway.

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