數學問題 F.3 help me!!!!20dim

2010-08-23 6:20 pm
1.a metal ball of radius 12 cm is melted and recast to 64 idential small balls.
a) find the ratio of radius of the small ball to the radius of the large ball
b) hence, find the diameter of the small ball
答1a and 1b

回答 (1)

2010-08-23 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1a) Ratio between radius = ratio between cubic root(Volumn)
Assume radius of small ball is x cm, and volume of small ball is y cm3
Ratio of radius = 12 cm : x cm
= (64y)^(1/3) : (y)^(1/3)
= 4 : 1

1b) Ratio of radius = 12 cm : x cm = 4 : 1
12/x = 4
x = 3 cm
Therefore, the radius of smaal ball is 3 cm
參考: me~

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