What is the best way to get rid of fleas from inside your house?

2010-08-23 7:29 am
Recently I've been noticing a lot of fleas at my place. I set off some of those things that are supposed to remove the fleas but it didn't seem to help much. My cat has them all over herself and I did use frontline plus to get rid of them. I don't know if you can use other types of shampoo or powder with that frontline. Does anyone know if you can use frontline with other chemicals and also the best way to get rid of fles in the house?

回答 (3)

2010-08-23 1:14 pm
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When did you use the Frontline? Did you part the skin and get it on the skin between the shoulder blades? It should have killed the adults on the cat within a day.. babies can continue to hatch for up to three weeks and then it would take up to a day for them to die as well. Females can lay up to 50 eggs each so it's possible to have a lot of babies hatching. Now that you've gotten rid of the source the fleas around the house should die as they come into contact with the cat. To speed the process I would vacuum everything that can be vacuumed at least a couple of times. Anything that can be laundered should be put in the wash. Additionally if you can keep her in the house that will help make sure she doesn't bring any new friends home. If it's been longer than 3 weeks you may want to try a different monthly topical such as Advantage. When you've chosen which you'll be using make sure you use it monthly through flea season. Easier to prevent than to get rid of :)
2010-08-26 4:43 am
Mix Lemon Joy with water in a bowl. Dip a flea comb in the mixture and comb your cat.

When you go to bed at night, place several shallow rimmed bowls/saucers filled with Lemon Joy and water on the floor and put a lamp over the bowls. Desk type lamps work particularly well.

The heat of the lamps will attract fleas in your house. They will jump towards the lamp, get trapped in the bowls filled with water/Joy and drown.

Good luck!
2010-08-25 12:57 pm
Use Chlorine Bleach (concentration ratio 1:99) to clean your floor and furniture.
參考: Miniwan Pet Pharmacy www.miniwan-online.com

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