English question

2010-08-23 4:21 am
Please advise me which sentence is correct.

A1. You may either take the airport bus or take MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express.
A2. You can either take the airport bus or take MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express,

B1. He is forty-eight years old.
B2. He is forty eight years old.
(forty-five - with hyphen or without a hyphen?)

回答 (3)

2010-08-23 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
A1. You may either take the airport bus or take MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express.
A2. You can either take the airport bus or take MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express.

Both are correct.

B1 is correct.
2010-08-23 4:57 am
May is used to express possibility. Can means "able to". I would say:

A1. You may take either airport bus or  MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express.

A2. You can take either airport bus or  MTR to the HK Station then take the Airport Express.

Note: Use the the word "take" once in the sentence.

B1. He is forty-eight years old. (There is a hyphen.)

2010-08-23 4:23 am
參考: fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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