I am looking for sound advice on ticks in my home and on my dog. Please help!?

2010-08-22 3:11 am
I have been battling this problem since June. I have a Golden Retriever who acquired ticks while at a ranch for 11 days while my husband and I were on vacation. I applied Frontline Plus on him before he went but it obviously didnt work. I probably should have clipped him so that his long hairs wouldnt become a tick trap but I was very new to this and wasnt thinking. I had never seen a tick before all of this happened.

Anyway we got him back after our vacation and started finding ticks on him from day 1. I starting doing a thorough search every night for about two weeks, finding 5-10 ticks at a time. The numbers started to reduce as the weeks went on but I made sure to keep applying the Frontline Plus for the next 2 months (until the pack was done - even though it didnt work in the first place). Around week 2 we found some in our bed. I freaked out and did a major cleaning of our room/sheets/carpet and sprayed EcoSmart Organic Pest Control everywhere that my dog goes. Ticks are at number. 2 on the list of pests on the bottle so I thought it would work. I made sure to get all the cracks, carpet, etc of where my dog lays.

About a month ago I started noticing teeny baby ticks crawling around on our bathroom tile (my dog usually sleeps on the tile at night since its cool). I freaked AGAIN at the thought of my house being taken over by these things. My husband brought out some Bayer heavy duty pest control and got the entire house.

Shortly after that I clipped his entire body and got Adams Plus Flea and Tick dip and started soaking him once a week. I also got tea tree oil and have been dripping some on his collar every week or so (since I read that helps repel them) By this point the amounts and sizes were definitely getting smaller.

As of early this week I hadnt seen a full grown tick in weeks and I was only finding a couple little ones on him MAYBE during my searches. I thought I had this thing licked...I definitely thought wrong.

Two days ago my husband found a full grown set (male and female)...yesterday I found about 5 or 6 full grown. Today I did a thorough search and found like 15!? and one dropped off while I was searching and it was super swollen (the biggest I've seen yet) and now he's got a sore from where it was latched for so long.

I am just so frustrated and angry. My next step is to get another 3 months of Frontline Plus (since the last time I applied was late July so maybe it does work?!), a tick collar, continue with the weekly dips, thorough cleaning of my house every week...anything else??

Side note: I've tried to give him garlic but he hates the stuff. He is an 'oh so pleasing' golden so he really tries to eat it because he knows I want him to but he just cant do it. I also did a mini experiment to see if we had them infested in our yard by taking a white pillowcase and dragging it along every inch of the grass to see if any would catch. Didnt find a single one...so they've got to just be in my house right?

回答 (6)

2010-08-22 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds like you've got a huge infestation (the ticks must be laying eggs), and really the only solution I can see is to get an exterminator. You could try bug bombing the house, but it may not kill all of them.

K9 Advantix always worked better for me than Frontline for my dogs. So that will kill the ticks that get on your dog, but it won't do anything for your house. Garlic only repels fleas, not ticks, so I wouldn't bother with it. One of my dogs has reactions to any flea and tick medication I put on her, so I use pure almond extract to repel ticks when I take her into the woods. I put a couple drops on her collar and smear a little bit on her head and between her shoulder blades, and I never find a tick on her.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but good luck!
2010-08-25 1:00 pm
Use Chlorine Bleach (concentration ratio 1:99) to clean you floor and furniture.

Use K9 Advantix on your Dogs.

Use a Flea Comb too.
參考: Miniwan Pet Pharmacy www.miniwan-online.com
2010-08-22 10:22 am
i used these cheap 8 dollar flea and tick collars and they worked SO good! also, find a recipe for homemade bisciuts and put garlic in it (not too much; he'll be able to taste it alot.) it wont do damage as long as he doesnt eat it alot. i really feel bad for you. if i were in your shoes, i would want to move out of the house!
2010-08-22 10:14 am
Frontline works by working into the dogs system - not from the skin. The product is absorbed by the dogs skin an the fleas die after biting the dog. Many of the flea products do not repell fleas (keep them off the dog). They only kill fleas after they already got on your dog. Check with your vet for a product that actually also repells. If he has a really bad infestation, you can ask your vet for a pill called 'capstar'. It also does not control fleas but will kill all the fleas that are on your dog within an hour. Are you certain that he has fleas again? Did you see them? The reason I'm asking is this: if you haven't seen any fleas but assume he has them because he is scratching, then he just may be scratching because his skin is still irritated from the previous flea bites. Or he could have a flea allergy. If you are actually seing fleas on him, here are some more tips:

go to Wal*mart, a pet store or even Home Depot. Purchase several flea 'bombs' (aerosol cans of flea control). Follow the instructions on the cans. No one, not human nor animal can be in the house when you set them off. You will have to leave the house for up to 4 hours. Be sure to purchase ones that also kill the eggs. (cans are about $6 each).
At the same time purchase a flea 'dip' for your dog. You can get this at Wal*Mart, too. I suggest Adams ($8). Follow the directions on the bottle. You will have to thoroughly soak your dog with that solution. Use a sponge (kitchen sponge) to wet his head and around the eyes without getting it into his eyes. Make sure his entire body is soaked. Do NOT dry your dog in any way. Let him air dry in a warm environment (small bathroom or crate if you have it).
Buy a topical flea control as well (oil). Adams from Wal*Mart works well and costs a fraction of what Advantage or Frontline cost. Adams is $13 for 3 months. When you dog is completely dry, apply the flea oil by squeezing is from around the nape of his neck toward the tail.
If you follow all of these things, your house, your dog and you should all be free of fleas in less than a day.
Do NOT use flea control for dogs on cats - it can kill them!
參考: used to work for vet - own 3 dogs and 2 cats and have no fleas or ticks due to this treatment
2010-08-22 10:17 am
Garlic can do liver damage to dogs, stop with the garlic already.

You likely have two problems---your dog did have ticks, they may have been killed by the original application. Your AREA where you live also has ticks (it's a bad year for them) and he's picking them up outdoors, not breeding them inside the house. Ticks are outdoor creatures, they breed outdoors and latch onto any passing animal with body heat that they find. The pillowcase thing won't usually work, they have a death grip on the grasses, or are in the bushes and you're missing them completely.

Tick collars don't work. Save your money.

Phone your local animal control unit and ask what tick medication works for your area. It's the fastest way to know which meds actually will control the population locally. Use that instead of the Frontline Plus (Revolution would be my first choice anyway). Many areas have ticks that are resistent to one form of control but who are able to be killed by a variant or different brand. Your animal control unit knows what's the best in your city.
2010-08-22 10:13 am
Fumigate the house.

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