
2010-08-21 9:07 pm
Hello, 我,媽媽,和繼父一家三人現在美國紐約生活。 繼父是美國公民, 但因在香港出生而擁有香港永久居民身份證。 我和母親則是中國公民,但擁有美國綠卡。 我年底即將過18歲生日,下年亦會申請美國入籍。

現在父親想把我母親入境香港的程序簡化和方便我以後工作, 就提議我們申請香港永久性居民身份證。 因此,我也到了香港入境事務處的網址搜查相關的資料。 根據網上的資料顯示, 中國公民(父親)在香港特別行政區成立以前或以後在香港以外所生的中國籍子女(本人),而在該子女出生時,該中國公民是香港特區成立以前或以後在香港出生的中國公民的人,該子女則合資格在海外申請永久性身份證。 現在我的第一個問題是網站上提及的子女是否包括繼子女? 第二個問題是如果包括了繼子女, 該公民的妻子是否也根據子女的程序(我將會過了18歲生日才正式申請),填寫表格ROP 143僑居海外十八歲或以上人士的香港永久性居民身份證申請書, 或應填寫另外一類表格?

不好意思, 這些資料和問題或許會表達得不清楚。 不過如果你對身份證的申請程序熟悉又或許有過親身經歷,你可以E-mail我, 我會回覆詳細的解釋我的問題。 我的E-mail Address是[email protected]
Thanks very much to anyone helping me!

回答 (1)

2010-08-21 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案


The Basic Law said, if YOU (as an applicant when you are 18 or older) are born outside HK and when the time YOU are born, either one of your parent are HK Resident, then YOU will have Permanent Residence in HK. Regardless wether or not you born before or after 1997.

The problem is when you are born in China, None of your parent are HK resdient. Your birth father and mother are not HK resident. When your ma get married to your step pa, you does not inherit his HK residence. If you want it, you need to apply for it, either by

1.) Finding a job in HK
2.) Have your father live in HK and apply for carer visa when he turn 65
3.) Invest 6,500,000HKD in HK economy.

第二個問題是如果包括了繼子女, 該公民的妻子是否也根據子女的程序(我將會過了18歲生日才正式申請),填寫表格ROP 143僑居海外十八歲或以上人士的香港永久性居民身份證申請書, 或應填寫另外一類表格?

You does not satisified the Chinese Nationality Act in Basic Law, by law, you are a Chinese Citizens permanent reside in US, it does not change anything (In HK Residence Prospective) if and when you claim US citizenship, you will still need a visa to reside in HK, and the thing is, the only different between you and the other step chinese son is, you got to wait in the US instead of China......

All of the form you mentioned are for HK Permanent Resident who eligible to apply for a HK Permanent Residence Card oversea, but this is not suitable to you,if you want a HKPID Card, you will need to do one of the 3 i told you in question 1.
參考: I was born in the USA from an Australian/HK Father and a British Mother, i know what your been throught

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