
2010-08-21 8:49 pm
想問問英文字donor 同 donator, 都解作捐贈者, 但兩者有有分別?

回答 (3)

2010-08-21 10:01 pm
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2010-08-22 8:48 am
Both words mean the same. Donator isn't really an English word in Britain. It is a Latin word. "Donator" is what we call a back-formation of Donation. It is certainly in use out there, and showing up in some American dictionaries too. But "donor" still seems to be the ascendant choice.
2010-08-21 9:18 pm
這兩個詞語都有著捐贈的意思。 但是我自己覺得donator比較會是捐錢,食物,和衣服之類的。 而donor就是捐血和器官之類的。 不過通常兩個詞語都可以交換著用。

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