Should my car dealership pay for my car rental while I wait on repairs?

2010-08-20 11:12 pm
I had a clutch problem on August 9th and had my car towed to the dealership August 10th. It is now August 20th and my car still hasn't been fixed. Upon diagnosis, the mechanic my car was sent to said that a flywheel and clutch replacement is necessary. Problem is, my car came with an aftermarket clutch kit that is difficult to find. The dealership found the part however, and ordered it, on Monday.

I have been without a car for 10 days, and since the part hasn't arrived today, my car won't be fixed over the weekend. Tuesday will be two full weeks without a car. My question has three parts:

1) Given the situation with the aftermarket clutch, is 2 weeks an unreasonable amount of time for my repair?

2) If two weeks isn't an unreasonable amount of time, what is?

3) In Florida, is a dealership legally responsible for providing a loaner car when the repair is going to take an extended amount of time? Or reimbursing me if I rent a car?

回答 (6)

2010-08-20 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Being a shop owner I will address all 3 points in order
1) When dealing with specific aftermarket parts such as :clutches,wheels,seats,body kits as well as any other parts for cars that are not stocked by a dealer or parts store the shop is at the mercy of the supplier.
2) Two weeks isn't a real long time when dealing with an aftermarket parts supplier I figure that an unreasonable length of time is about 2 1/2 weeks and up unless the part is back ordered or you have to do research to find a supplier for that particular part
3) Nowhere in the United States is a dealer or any shop responsible for providing you a loaner or reimbursing you for a rental when a repair takes an extended length of time. You may be able to talk to the shop in question and see if they will work with you on a price but I can't promise any thing
參考: auto body tech and body shop owner
2010-08-20 11:41 pm
First of all, if the car was covered under a new car warranty, that coverage would have been voided by the installation of an after-market clutch kit. If you purchased the car used, no warranty would cover the clutch, seeing as it is a wear item.

The fact is that you have a car with after-market parts, and the dealer had to locate and order those parts. If it was a stock clutch, you would have had no problem, the parts would have either been in stock or available the next day. It is not the shop's fault that you have a non stock vehicle.

The shop is not responsible for providing alternative transportation. Even for repairs under a new car warranty, there is no free rental. Some extended warranties would cover part or all of the cost of a rental car, but the shop will not.
參考: 31 years in the auto business
2010-08-20 11:15 pm
Your car is not under any warranty. It has an aftermarket clutch that somebody else put on and you probably want the dealership to buy you lunch also.

Geeeez you don't want much.
2016-09-14 5:05 pm
Perhaps, but I am not 100% on it
2016-08-07 4:21 am
It's possible for sure
2010-08-20 11:21 pm
Stock parts replacement would have been no problem. If they had all their mechanics call in sick and the parts were all available, they might give you a loaner. Your problem is special. You need to wait for special parts and that isn't thier fault, so they don't have to loan you anything. Call them and ask if they can loan you a car for the weekend. If they're nice they might, but they don't have to.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:18:55
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