do puppies grow out of biting?

2010-08-20 12:24 pm
Iv got a 20 week old rottie. He was a rescue dog at just 5 weeks old. He is a loverly dog, very intelligent and friendly. Problem is he bites a hell of a lot.
I know puppy biting is normal,he is teething at the moment and i know he is just playing when he does it.
I am doing my best to kurb it by redirecting to his toys and ignoring him until he calms down, and it has got worse since he started teething 4 weeks ago, but he has always been a biter since about 6 or 7 weeks old.
I was just wondering do puppies ever grow out of this biting phase? I was hoping after teething is over an done with it would stop. Thanks for your answers in advance!

Oh and for some reason he bites my boyfriend more than me, everytime he sees him, he bites his feet or jumps up an bites his arms ect.

回答 (8)

2016-04-13 7:51 pm
First off, this is normal behavior for a puppy, they test the waters and either try to find what their limits are with you, they're teething, or just simply playing. In all cases, to prevent harm to anyone there should be a toy in which you can substitute the nipping with. For example, get a rope toy, when ever the pup nips keep up your "yelping" and give him the toy in replace of your arm or hand. Make it VERY clear to your roommates this is NOT a game, you're training YOUR dog and they aren't helping. If they can't follow your rules they can not play with the pup, end of story. They're intervening with training which shouldn't be allowed period. Have you crate trained him? If not, I'd invest in one just so he can be put in a safe place while you're not home, make a strict rule to your roommates, they are not allowed to take him out without your permission. I had the same exact problem with my roommates, they'd take out the dog I was fostering and not even tell me about it (one day I thought someone stole her!). You're doing an awesome job, just draw the line with your roommates and soon.
2010-08-20 2:59 pm
Assume not.

And work harder at stopping this biting and jumping immediately. He is 5 months old and this should have been resolved sooner. Teething is no excuse for biting. He is biting more because you have allowed it. Big dog. Not funny.

Ignoring hasn't worked.

How about correcting? Use a low, very firm sound as "ACK" or "HEY" (do NOT screech in a loud voice if someone tells you to). If you must, physically correct. This does not mean hitting the dog. But rather grabbing his cheek area with a firm but slight shake as you say "ACK"! Hold it a second, stare to show you mean you are displeased. Then stand up tall, hands on hips. Then walk away.
After a minute or so, if you want to invite to play with a toy, do so.

I do HIGHLY recommend you find an obedience class. It will train you to train the dog.

Anything that should be trained needs to be done now before he gets bigger and more powerful.

2010-08-20 12:49 pm
Get some books on dog training - I'm not sure if you're describing mouthing (just putting an open mouth on you) or biting (using any pressure, from a gentle pinch to inflicting pain) but this is going to be a big dog and you need to teach it to keep its mouth to itself. You want to use the least amount of correction that gets the desired response -ignoring and redirecting doesn't seem to be it, though. He's playing with you like he would another dog because your correction hasn't been firm enough and he still thinks what he does is ok.
參考: dog owner and former breeder
2010-08-20 12:38 pm
SO long as you stay consistant with letting your pup know that biting hands is NOT acceptable even in play then yes she will out grow this.
All puppies mouth but the earlier its discouraged the better.
2010-08-20 12:29 pm
Yeah my dog does that! and he hurts! i hope they will grow out of it! i have got a Ridgeback X Staffy named toby! 7 weeks old!
參考: Dogs!
2010-08-20 12:27 pm
yes he will grow out of it. What worked best for me was at any pet store they have these chew toys that you get wet and then put in the fridge to freeze up. It doest freeze up completley like a chunk of ice but it will be somewhat hard. I bought a 3 pack and just kept cycling through them. Also they have teething treats i cant think of the name of the bone but it works good too.
參考: BS dont blame the breed, I have had 2 dobermans and 1 rot and 3 labs in my life. All puppies bit when teething. When a human baby is teething does one race bite more than the other? No
2010-08-20 12:25 pm
he's teething
2010-08-20 12:28 pm
that breed is a lil more aggressive then what i'm used to. i have two small dogs and they both used to bite as puppies but now they don't. i think you're doing the right things with offering him toys and redirecting him when he bites. on rare occasion one of my dogs has a small habit of nipping when he's super happy, but as soon as i say no he knows that he's messed up and stops. if you keep doing what you're doing i don't think he'll have a problem in the future.

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