S4-S5 Grammar and Vocabulary

2010-08-21 5:17 am
Complete question 1-10 below. There is one word missing from each sentence. The first letter of the word is given to you as a clue.
1.His behaviour soon a_________ our suspicion.
2.If anything goes wrong I'll hold you r__________.
3.He was adamant. My arguments had no e__________ on him.
4.Who i__________ the telephone?
5.I was h__________ a chat with him when the telephone rang.
6.The government p__________ the refugees with food and clothes.
7.We knew nothing about her e__________ that she was a widow.
8.She has a t__________ knowledge of Spanish.
9.She asked him whether he was married or s__________.
10.I am going to learn to h__________ my tongue.

吾該可吾可以幫我答下面既題目?.` 1.We were all excited when we watched him s__________ the goal. 2.It was rude of you to i__________the speaker. 3.F__________ the written examination, there is the oral text. 4.He wondered whether his son was p__________ in his studies.


5.Since the accused man has been able to establish an alibi, why shouldn't you l__________ him go free? 6.I asked the shoemaker how much he would c__________ for mending a pair of shoes.


7.'If your wife doesn't like this dress, you may b__________ it back to our store and ask for a refund,' said the salesman. 8.She says she is fond of eating meat which is l__________.


9.All the kitchen u__________ are placed in the cupboard. 10.My parents are contemplating s__________ in Canada.

回答 (2)

2010-08-21 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
ka yee:
1) aroused
2) responsible
3) effect
4) invented
5) having
6) provides
7) except
8) thorough
9) single
10) hold
1) score
2) interupt
3) For
4) progressing
5) let
6) charge
7) bring
8) lean
9) uneaten
10) settlement
參考: nil
2010-08-21 6:44 am
1.His behaviour soon arouses our suspicion.
2.If anything goes wrong I'll hold you responsible_.
3.He was adamant. My arguments had no effect on him.
4.Who invented the telephone?
5.I was having a chat with him when the telephone rang.
6.The government provided_ the refugees with food and clothes.
7.We knew nothing about her except that she was a widow.
8.She has a thorough_ knowledge of Spanish.
9.She asked him whether he was married or single.
10.I am going to learn to hold my tongue.

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