英文問題 急!我吾明白

2010-08-21 3:00 am
1. the dog belongs to Andy. It's name is bobby.

2. There are no turkey in the fridge.

3.Lily drank two glass of orange juice last night.

4.The man has a wrinkle face and bushy eyebrows.

5.Halloween becomes one of the most popular festival in the world.


回答 (2)

2010-08-21 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The dog belongs to Andy. Its name is Bobby.
2) There is no turkey in the fridge.
3) Lily drank two glasses of orange juice last night.
4) The man has a wrinkled face and bushy eyebrows.
5) Hallowen becomes one of the most popular festivals in the world.

2010-08-20 22:51:54 補充:
首先答問題者Fong :句中的festivals一定要要 s, 因鬼節是多數流行的多個節日之一個,所以大多數流行節日當然要加 s 了。
第二答意見001博士4級 : a verb cannot be used to qualify a noun unless and until it is converted into a participal adjective by adding ed at the end; hence '...a wrinkle face,...is grammatically wrong.
參考: nil, simple English
2010-08-21 3:53 am
4.The man has a wrinkle face (with) bushy eyebrows. 會比較好~
Only suggestion

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