new laptop, should I get Ubuntu or Windows 7?

2010-08-19 5:56 pm
I am taking a UNIX/LINUX class and am in computer science major. I like Linux very much and wanted to explore this. I am thinking to get a new laptop. Now my question is, in your expertise, should I

1) get a Windows 7 base laptop and install Ubuntu in it?


2) get a Ubuntu pre-installed laptop immediately? (in this case, I will never have Windows 7 until I purchase the OS, am I right?)

On the side note, I have never used Ubuntu. I am just exploring it right now. Anyone has any good input? Any help is good. Thanks.

回答 (10)

2010-08-19 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you should buy windows 7 based laptop because ubuntu can be easily installed and work properly in it but in case of ubuntu based laptop there may arise various types of problems..............

i have dell laptop based on windows 7 & i also get original ubuntu free with it............
it directly means that ubuntu is very much compatiable with it thats why dell has given ubuntu free..
2010-08-19 6:21 pm
Unless you are a gamer get a laptop with Ubuntu and install the K desktop environment (KDE).Looks much better than the Gnome Desktop. I have been windows free for years and will never go back even if Bill offers Windoz$ for free.
2010-08-19 6:10 pm
You can use Ubuntu full-fledged as an OS. It is wonderful. You need not have windows 7 for it. Ubuntu provides all the features one needs.
But if you want to have both the OS or if you like windows 7 you may go for the first option. Windows 7 laptops are suitable for linux. But they are costly.

Note: I suggest you better not get Ubuntu 10.04 LTS coz an error occured during installation. Go for Ubuntu 9.10 instead.
2010-08-19 6:07 pm
I am playing with 10.4 right now. Truthfully I am lost with it. Can not figure out how to install USB WIFI drivers, get it to play mp3's (you need a plug in), why my task bars (I think they call them Panels) come and go as they please on restarts, and why my Desktop Icons do the same. I know this is me and my limited knowledge of Ubuntu. My point is I was not going to check it out on my Vista laptop and definitely not check it out on my Windows 7 desktop I built about 5 months ago for fear of messing up either. I am using it on an old tower that I got free from a friend. Worst case scenario is the tower gets thrown out like my friend was going to do anyway. If you can not do what I did I suggest buying the Windows 7 laptop. You can run Ubuntu right from the disc with out installing it. The only thing you will have to do is install the Boot Loader off the disc. Gives you a chance to check it out. If you can work it and like it then you can install it. At least with the Windows 7 you will have something to fall back on. Also with Windows 7 you can download it, burn the ISO image to a CD without additional software, and research any questions you have about it. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
2010-08-19 6:04 pm
I dual boot with vista ultimate x64 and ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx, I use the windows bit for online gaming but otherwise I use linux (i'M ON LINUX NOW).
for real help just join the community here ;-
參考: Ubuntu and Puppy Linux user for years ;)
2010-08-19 6:04 pm
You can buy a Windows 7 laptop, and install Ubuntu in a dual-boot configuration.

Just do some Google searches when you've narrowed down your laptop choices: some handle Ubuntu better than others.
2010-08-19 6:03 pm
Probably Windows 7, I don't even know if you can actually buy a laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed... Anyway, Ubuntu is free (you probably already knew that) so you can just download and install it on the W7 laptop pretty easily.

You could either partition the hard-drive and install Ubuntu there, run Ubuntu on a virtual machine or install it on a virtual hard-drive thingy. Me, I installed it on a virtual machine and it's okay but not as good or fast as installing it separately.
2010-08-19 6:02 pm
If you plan to get a Ubuntu computer, you will look to save around $200 off the base price of the OS (ie the cost of Windows). But this is only true if you buy form a company that sells Linux only machines (Like ). Companies like Dell will only give you a $50 discount (and pocket the other $150 as profit).

I would say your choice is this:
1. Get exactly the computer you want (don't care if it has Windows 7 or Ubuntu) and then install Ubuntu afterwards. The risk is that the laptop may or may not work 100% perfectly with Ubuntu (check the specs first).
2. "Settle" for a Ubuntu laptop. The risk is that you have less options available to you but you know they will work.

Some companies make sure their laptops will work with Linux even though they come pre-installed with Windows. ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, and HP are in this catagory.

Happy hunting!
2010-08-19 6:02 pm
Get Windows 7. Make sure whether or not you need 32 bit or 64bit. After that go to the link provided and get Ubuntu for free. No reason to pay for a free operating system. It is open source and customizable. Simply insert dis when using Windows 7. Input your info and desired partition size for your desired OS(Ubuntu, Mythbutnu etc) and it does all the partitioning itself. you could also go to the second link for a free download.

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