New Syllabus MAths 問題2

2010-08-20 7:05 am
這個問題係 New Syllabus MAths Summer Vacation exs 既 f.1-f.2 出既~

A and B are two consective numbers (B is bigger than A).
Half of B exceeds one-forth of A by 1.
Find the values of A and B.....

e個問題好易....但係我唔識~希望有人可以答我 t.t

希望在線的你可以幫幫手~答下我啦 t.t
New Syllabus MAths 問題1
New Syllabus MAths 問題3

回答 (2)

✔ 最佳答案
A and B are two consecutive numbers (B is bigger than A).【A與B為兩個連續數(相差1),B比A為大】B – A = 1A = B – 1.......① Half of B exceeds one-forth of A by 1.【B除以二後,比A除四後大上1】B/2 – A/4 = 1……② Find the values of A and B. Put ① into ②B/2 – (B – 1)/4 = 1(2B – B – 1)/4 = 1B – 1 = 4B = 3 Put B = 3 into ②3/2 – A/4 = 16 – A = 4A = 2 ∴ A = 2, B = 3【Answer】
參考: 自我運算
2010-08-20 8:22 am

A + 1 = B ... (1)

B / 2 - 1 = A / 4 ... (2)

Put (1) to (2),

(A + 1) / 2 - 1 = A / 4

2A + 2 - 4 = A

A = 2

B = 3

So, A = 2, B = 3

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