英文的一些問題 急!

2010-08-20 2:17 am
1. i have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australian.

2. I am agreeing with him because his idea is great.

3. Peter can't past the examination and he feels upset.

4. I feel very boring because no one plays with me.

5. Which one is big, the Sun or the Earth?


回答 (5)

2010-08-20 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australia .
(Australian= 澳洲人, 澳洲的 ; Australia= 澳洲 )
2. I agree with him because his idea is great.
(agree =同意; agreeing---不需+ing )

3. Peter can't pass the examination and he feels upset.
(pass = 通過 ; past= 過去 )

4. I feel very bored because no one plays with me.
(boring --事物本身很沉悶 ; bored =感到很沉悶 )

5. Which one is bigger , the Sun or the Earth?
( bigger=較大些 ; big= 大的 )

2010-08-20 4:55 am
1. i have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australia.
I sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australia.
2. I am agreeing with him because his idea is great.
I agree with him because his idea is great.
3. Peter can't past the examination and he feels upset.
Peter can't pass the examination and he feels upset.
4. I feel very boring because no one plays with me.
I feel very bored because no one plays with me.
5. Which one is big, the Sun or the Earth?
Which one is bigger , the Sun or the Earth?
2010-08-20 2:45 am
1.I have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australian.

2.I agree with him because his idea is great.

3.Peter can't pass the examination and he feels upset.

4.I feel very bored because no one plays with me.

5.Which one is bigger,the Sun or the Earth?
2010-08-20 2:38 am
1. I have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australian.
I have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australian.

2. I am agreeing with him because his idea is great.
I agree with him because his idea is great.

3. Peter can't past the examination and he feels upset.
Peter can't pass the examination and he feels upset.

4. I feel very boring because no one plays with me.
I feel very bored because no one plays with me.

5. Which one is big, the Sun or the Earth?
Which one is bigger,the Sun or the Earth?
2010-08-20 2:26 am
i have sent a postcard to my pen pal who lives in Australia
I agree with him because his idea is great
Peter can't pass the examination and he feels upset.

I feel very bored because no one plays with me
Which one is bigger, the Sun or the Earth?

2010-08-19 18:45:40 補充:
Not Australian
參考: Promote to F3 From F2

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