
2010-08-20 12:14 am
她以前喜歡喝茶, 現在喜歡喝咖啡


1.she used to like tea, now she likes cafe.

2.she has been liked tea, now she likes cafe.

3.she has liked tea, now she likes cafe.

4.she liked tea, now she likes cafe.

請解釋錯在那方面, 謝謝

回答 (3)

2010-08-21 7:23 am
她以前喜歡喝茶, 現在喜歡喝咖啡


1.she used to like tea, now she likes cafe.


She would prefer to drink coffee rather than drink the tea nowaday.
2010-08-20 8:49 pm
她以前喜歡喝茶, 現在喜歡喝咖啡
1.she used to like tea, now she likes caffee.
This is A okay; a straight description form.

I suggest to write or say:
Her favorite drink was tea, but now she likes coffee.
This is a comparing form with clearer meaning.

2010-08-22 23:40:00 補充:
Somehow, your translation might twisted the real meaning such as:

She used to (look) like (a pack of) tea &
now she (looks) like (a cup of) coffee.

Just joking, but if you say:
Her favorite drink was tea, but now she likes coffee.
then no one can twist what you meant, do you agree with me?
參考: Self
2010-08-20 12:48 am
1. She used to like tea, now she likes (coffee). (grammatically correct)
2. She has been liked tea, now she likes (coffee). ("She" is the doer. No passive voice is required.)
3. She has liked tea, now she likes (coffee). (Using past tense is better than present perfect tense.)
4. She liked tea, now she likes (coffee). (grammatically correct)

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