簡單 英文一問

2010-08-19 11:41 pm
i don't like washing the car. i don't do it very often.

點解簡單進行式中 wash會+ing架??

同埋如果改做my car得唔得?


回答 (6)

2010-08-20 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
原句: I don't like washing the car. I don't do it very often.

現在進行式, 或如你說的簡單進行式英文是present continuous tense, 像
I am washing my car. 在動詞wash加上ing 是表達行動正在進行中(即做緊),
除了在時間tense分析中清楚外, 還具有形容作用, 我相信你也同意的。
在動詞上加 ing 後, 該動詞在文法上會變成兩種東西如下:
1) 變了一個如上述具有動詞作用及形容作用的' 形容動詞'(present psrticiple),
如Walking along the road, he saw a snake.在句子中walking是動詞但亦形容他行路時看見一條蛇。所以就叫' 形容動詞'了

2) 具有動詞及名詞作用的' 動名詞'(gerund),
如He is fond of playing football.在這句子中playing這個動詞加上football便變了' 玩足球' 的名詞, 但playing本身也是動詞, 所以playing的作用就叫' 動名詞',
即是由動詞而變成名詞了,可以簡單說 I don't like dancing with Mary., 或I like singing等就是例子了。
現在回到你的問題,你原句中的' washing the car' 你應已明白是一個' 動名詞'
(gerund)了,只是一個名詞, 就像我的例句 I don't like (dancing with Mary.)
你可以將 washing the car 的字看情形而改為 a car, my car, her car, our car
their car 也可以或在car 後加 s 也可以因每人可以有多過一輛車的。
好了, 希望我的解釋對你有幫助。
參考: nil
2010-08-21 7:15 am
i don't like washing the car. i don't do it very often.

點解簡單進行式中 wash會+ing架??

同埋如果改做my car得唔得?


Gerund = Verb + ing = Noun

I don't like to washing my car so i don't do it very often.
2010-08-20 9:35 pm
i don't like washing the car. i don't do it very often. Incorrect!
Washing the car - should not use the article "the".
(The car = an appointed car), but obviously you seemed don't like to
wash any car !

點解簡單進行式中 wash會+ing架??
Remember: Wash is a verb & washing is a noun.

同埋如果改做my car得唔得? of cause 得 !

If you own a car yourself, I guess you mean:
I hate to wash cars, so I wash my car only once a month.
參考: Self
2010-08-19 11:59 pm
I don't like to washed the car
妳以不做............還需my car........................還用進行式..........為什麼
I had not washing my car yet................這還說得通
參考: me 忘記書本
2010-08-19 11:52 pm
2.no,you can't
2010-08-19 11:47 pm
點解簡單進行式中 wash會+ing架??
因為+ing代表正在進行 ,
而且like後面要+ing .

同埋如果改做my car得唔得?
D個問題我5系好清楚 ,
but我覺得應該系得嘅 .

希望可以幫到你la !!!

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