
2010-08-19 8:32 pm
因為公司要我出 memo, 我怕寫得唔好....請大家幫幫手~~


本公司將安排制服予各同事, 請於工作時間內穿著. 如發現同事刻意拒絕合作, 本公司將作出合理處分.

回答 (2)

2010-08-19 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本公司將安排制服予各同事, 請於工作時間內穿著. 如發現同事刻意拒絕合作, 本公司將作出合理處分. =

Our company will prepare uniforms for every colleague. Please
wear the uniform at work. If we discover you refuse to co-operate
deliberately, a penalty will be imposed on you.

Hope that you find it useful.

2010-08-19 20:10:11 補充:
Our company will prepare uniforms for every colleague. All of you must
wear the uniform at work. For those who refuse to co-operate and comply with
the instruction, a penalty will be imposed on you.

The version above is better.
2010-08-20 2:17 am
The company will soon provide uniform to all colleagues. All staff are compulsory to put on the uniform at work. For those who refuse to cooperate & follow the instruction, we will take necessary disciplinary action to handle the situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:27:18
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