✔ 最佳答案
1. 工人不是合法監護人. 但你將個仔交工人照顧, 就係將監督責任以推論性授權 (inferred authorization)方式俾咗佢. 佢法律上有權帶你個仔出街去會友, 不是拐帶, 只不過道德操守有問題, 並無犯法.
2. 保護兒童及少年條例 - SECT 26
任何人將任何兒童或少年從其父母或對其有合法照顧或監督權的人的管有下非法地帶走或導致其被帶走, 而此舉違反其父母或對其有合法照顧或監督權的人的意願, 即犯有可循公訴程序定罪的罪行, 可處監禁2年.
條法例講明 “…的管有下非法地帶走…”. 佢並非 “非法”, 帶佢去公園吞吓pop亦不是 “帶走”, 並無犯法.
Any person who unlawfully takes or causes to be taken any child or juvenile out of the possession and against the will of the father or mother or of any other person having the lawful care or charge of such child or juvenile shall be guilty of an offence punishable on conviction on indictment by imprisonment for 2 years.
講明係“out of the possession”, 帶佢去公園吞吓pop並非“out of the possession”.