english writing!!!

2010-08-18 7:39 am
Write at least 400 words!

Imagine that you leave Hong Kong in 2010 to study overseas. You return to the city in 2020. Write a letter to peter, a friend you made while you were overseas, and describe the changes in Hong Kong after 10 years and how you feel about them.
Write yourletter. Sign your name' Chris Wong".

回答 (1)

2010-08-18 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Peter :

How are you ? I left Hong Kong in 2010 but now I come back to
Hong Kong . In 2010 , near my house there was a park . It is very
beatiful but now it changs into a buliding . In 2010 , my secondary school
is old and it is a boy school but now it become more beatiful and it changs
to a primary school ! When Igo out , I can 't find the road and I always get
lose because Hong Kong changs a bit much in this 10 years ! I can 't to
get with it . Hong Kong now is very unfamiliar to me . Can you tell me what
to do ? My intuition told me I wouldn 't be suitable in Hong Kong , so ...
Write soon .

Yours ,
Chris Wong

希望幫到你 , 但這樣對你不好 ~ 如果考試沒人幫你呢 ? 那怎麼辦 ?
參考: me ~ hope can help you >v

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