
2010-08-18 6:08 am
請問如果我想話"我在開心小學畢業" 下面有兩句,邊句grammar岩?
1.I graduated in Happy primary school.
2.I graduated at Happy primary school.


回答 (2)

2010-08-18 1:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The correct sentence:I graduated from Happy Primary School .

The format:Someone graduate(d) from (school, college or university) with (a diploma or degree) in (certain subject or year).e.g. She graduated from Yale with a B.A. degree in Political Science.        She graduated from Yale with a B.A. degree in 1990.Someone graduate(d) with (honour) in (certain subject).e.g. He graduated with first-class honours in physics.Someone graduate(d) in (certain subject) at (university).e.g. She graduated in law at Yale. 
Other format:I had better graduate with at least three point six or I won’t get into Harvard Law School . (Note: three point six is the GPA score in American orCanadian universities) 
Try to learn collocation in English. (the way in which some words are often used together). Hope that can help.
2010-08-18 6:12 am
Both of the sentences are wrong.
It should be : I graduated from Happy Primary School.

If you use "in",you should mention a time after it.

So does "at".

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