eng eng eng 20

2010-08-18 2:01 am
Q1.What does 'should like' means??

Q2.What is the different between 'within' and 'in'??
e.g. within an hour/in an hour
e.g. within two hours/in two hours

Q3.What is the different between 'have no' and 'have not' ???
e.g. I have no time.
e.g. you haven't time to pack all your belongings.

Q4.choose the best answer.
'Are you _______ my proposal?' 'No, I am against it.'
A.by B.for C.at D.on
Did you read _______ the passage a second time?
A.into B.around C.from D.over
John was _______ George in the examination list.
A.above B.next C.down D.at

Q5.fill in the black with suitable preposition.
The British Parliament is composed _________ two houses.

Is 'insult' this word a noun or a verb?
can I add 'to' infront of 'insult',and it became 'to insult',so that it is a verb.?

Thx ........
thank you ^.^

Dear Ling, can you translate Q4 and Q5 to me in chinese because I don't understand the meaning after adding the proposition. best wisher r035152000


Dear 003, Is that 'e.g. you haven't time to pack all your belongings.' this sentance is correct. can tou translate this sentance in chinese.

回答 (3)

2010-08-18 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1.What does 'should like' means??
same as would like i.e

I should like to have a cup of tea.

Q2.What is the difference between 'within' and 'in'??
e.g. within an hour/in an hour
e.g. within two hours/in two hours

They mean more or less the same or similar
He will come within two hours = He will come anytime in two hours
He will come in two hours = He will come about two hours.

Q3.What is the different between 'have no' and 'have not' ???
e.g. I have no time to pack all my belongings.
e.g. you haven't enough /got time to pack all your belongings.

Q4.choose the best answer.
'Are you _____for __ my proposal?' 'No, I am against it.'
A.by B.for C.at D.on
Did you read __over_____ the passage a second time?
A.into B.around C.from D.over
John was ___above____ George in the examination list.
A.above B.next C.down D.at

Q5.fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The British Parliament is composed _____of____ two houses.

Is 'insult' this word a noun or a verb?
can I add 'to' infront of 'insult',and it became 'to insult',so that it is a verb.?
insult can be a verb or noun depending where it is in the sentence.

It is an insult to me so do not do so again.= noun
He is very angry when he is insulted by his friend.
2010-08-23 8:38 am
Literally, ' should is the past tense of shall ', but it is often taken to mean 'ought to'.
' Should like, however, has the implied meaning of a probability to like, such
as " I am taking you to a caffee that serves very nice mango icecream, I
bet you should like it.".
In term of time, 'in' means ' at the end of ' whereas ' within' means ' before
the end of '; thus
I shall return in an hour. = I shall return at the end of an hour.
I shall return within an hour = I shall return before the end of an hour.
(implying that I may return earlier)
' no' and 'not' can both be used as an adverb in a sentence.
The word ' no', however, is also a ' determiner' in English grammar that
denotes a decisive expression in sentence like " I have no money."
or in the your example," I have no time to....." which denotes that " I
definitely have not any money." and " I definitely have time to..........".
The adverb ' not ' in " You haven't time to pack....", on the other hand,
does not have the expression of a determiner, it serves only as an
ordinary comment in a sentence.
Are you ' for ' my proposal ?
Did you read ' over ' the passage.....?
John was 'above' George.........
The British Parliament is composed' of ' two houses.
' insult' is used both as a noun and a verb.
參考: nil
2010-08-18 5:50 pm
Q1. What does 'should like' mean??

It greatly depends on how you use it.
Should implies:
(1)right thing (2) advice (3) expect thing (4) correct thing
(5) orders (6) possibility (7) imagined situations (8) requesting/offering
(9) past intentions/expectations.

Children shouldn’t be allowed to play in the street. (right thing)
You should read his new book. (advice)
White wine, not red wine, should be served with fish. (correct thing)
Passengers should proceed to Gate 12. (order)

In modern English, the traditional difference between should and would in reported sentences, conditions, requests etc. has disappeared and “should” is not used very much at all.
The main use of “should” now is to tell somebody they ought to do, to give advice, or to add emphasis. (The above sentences).

Q2.What is the difference between 'within' and 'in'??
e.g. within an hour/in an hour
e.g. within two hours/in two hours

within an hour = during a particular period of time; In this case 1 hour.
in an hour = after a particular period of time; In this case 1 hour.

Q3. What is the difference between 'have no' and 'have not' ???
e.g. I have no time.
e.g. you haven't time to pack all your belongings.

I have no time for someone/something = I dislike someone/something

I have not got time to do something = I don’t have time to do something. (time in this case means the amount of time available to do something.)

Q4. Choose the best answer.

Are you FOR my proposal?' 'No, I am against it.'
Did you read OVER the passage a second time?
John was ABOVE George in the examination list.

Q5. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The British Parliament is composed OF two houses.

Insult can be used as a noun or a verb.
I took it as an insult. (Insult is used as a noun)
It is an insult to my intelligence. (noun)
You insult her. (Insult is used as a verb)
He tried to insult her. (to + verb is an infinitive)
參考: Oxford English Dictionary, Longman English Dictionary

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