
2010-08-18 12:18 am

回答 (1)

2010-08-20 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 什麼跟什麼摩擦,在什麼情況下能產生最高電壓的靜電?

To produce the highest amount of charges, thus the highest electrostatic voltage, by rubbing (friction), you should select substances near the top and one near the bottom of the triboelectric series (also called "electrostatic series").

A sample of such series is given in the following web-page:


Hence, it is more approriate to rub "asbestos" with "Teflon" or "Silicone rubber". Abestos will become positively charged, and Teflon (or Silicone rubber) will become negatively charged.

Q: 更加深入點問,如果物體上的所有負電都被移走, 有什麼公式可以計算這個物體會產生多少電壓?

In fact, you cannot remove "all" electrons from a substance, because electrons are bound to atoms by very strong forces. You could only remove some of the "free eelctrons" that are loosely bound to atoms.

There is no general formula to calculate the potential of a body produced by the charges it posssed, as this depends very much on the material substance of the body, its geometry (or shape) and its dimension.

The only commonly used formula is: potential = charge/capacitance

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:38:12
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