
2010-08-17 8:07 pm


回答 (2)

2010-08-18 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
You could imagine that electricity is "flow of electrons", just like the "flow of water in a river". The electrical energy is carried by by moving electrons because of a "voltage" that casued the electrons to flow, similar to a "fall in height" that cause water in a river to flow.

The flow of water in a river can turn a water turbine to do mechanical work. Likewise, the flow of electrons can do work on an appliance, such as a light bulb, a heater, or an electric fan. The energy comes from the kinetic energy of the moving electrons, just like the kinetic energy of flowing water can be used to do work.

Q: 送回發電廠?還是送去第二處供其他人用?
The water in a flowing river is still there after its kinetic energy is used to do work, only that the water is at a "lower height" along the river than water upstream. Electrons, after their kinetic energy is expended to do work, are of a different "potential" than those before reaching the appliance. The electrons are still there, they are only returning to the power source to be "re-cycled" by supplying energy to them again by the source.

Q: 為什麼電池用電阻較少的導線壽命會比較長?
Resistance in a wire produces heat when an electric current passes through. As such, energy is deprived from the electric current, which comes from the electrical energy of the battery. Wires with lower resistance minimize the heat production, and hence reduces the unnecessary energy loss from the battery. The battery would then last longer.

2010-08-18 6:21 pm

電器用電其實係講緊 220V->電器->0V




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